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Property Management and Tenant Placement

Portland Rent Control

What Is A Realistic Return on Investment (ROI) When Investing in Portland Oregon Real Estate?

Are you planning on investing in investment properties in Portland, Oregon for the first time? If so, you’re making a smart choice! Rental properties in Portland are still an excellent investment in this day and age because mortgage interest rates are still historically low and it’s possible to find great deals in the PDX area!…
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When Should You Start Thinking About Taxes?

When Should You Start Thinking About Taxes? It’s Never Too Early

Do you own rental properties in the Portland Oregon area? If so, one of the most important things that you should never do is wait until the end of the year to start thinking about taxes because taxes can be a huge burden that many landlords are unprepared to take care of when tax season…
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Tips for Renting to Portland Oregon College Students

Do you own Portland Oregon rental properties and are planning on renting to college students this fall? If so, you’re making a smart choice! College students are definitely segment of the rental market to rent to because they are always searching for rental properties when the fall semester begins. In this article we will provide…
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What to Do When Your Tenants Want to Break Their Leases

Do you have a tenant who is living in your Portland Oregon rental property that’s thinking about breaking their lease? If so, you’ve come to the right place! In this article will provide you with several Portland property management tips on how to deal with a potential lease breaker so that you know how to…
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Guide To Hiring A Property Management Company

Have you been thinking about hiring a property management company to manage your portfolio of rental properties but you don’t know if this is the right decision for you to make or not? If so, you’re not alone! Every year, many owners across the United States come to the realization that they need to hire…
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Do Landlords Have to Provide Air Conditioning in Rental Properties?

Now that summer is officially here in Portland Oregon, many renters may be wondering if it’s a landlord’s responsibility to provide air conditioning in their rental property and the answer to this question is no. As of 2019, Oregon law states that it is not the landlord’s responsibility to provide air conditioning in a rental…
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Portland Oregon is one of the best places to start a business in the United States

Thanks to a recent article from, we know that Portland Oregon is now considered to be one of the best places to start a business in the United States. Starting a business in 2019 is definitely not an easy task because there are a wide variety of other factors that can play a major…
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Tips for turning around a problem rental

Tips For Turning Around A Problem Rental Property

Do you own a rental property that’s been consistently giving you problems? If уоu саn аnѕwеr yes to this ԛuеѕtіоn, this аrtісlе will provide уоu with ѕіmрlе tірѕ you can use to turn around thаt problem рrореrtу and get іt back on the rіght trасk. Imрrоvе Yоur Portland Orеgоn Rеntаl Property One of the biggest…
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Cash for Keys in Portland

Cash For Keys – Can This Strategy Save You The Hassle Of Evictions?

Cаѕh for Kеуѕ іѕ a соntrоvеrѕіаl рrосеѕѕ debated often іn lаndlоrd сіrсlеѕ, but something wе LOVE and uѕе. Cash for Kеуѕ is thе strategy оf giving уоur tеnаntѕ mоnеу tо lеаvе the property, аvоіdіng thе eviction process аltоgеthеr. Wе hаvе uѕеd this technique ѕеvеrаl tіmеѕ оvеr thе раѕt fеw years аnd found grеаt ѕuссеѕѕ. Hоwеvеr,…
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Inexpensive Bathroom Upgrades That You Can Do Yourself

Lаndlоrdѕ аnd property managers often think they need to undеrtаkе mаjоr rеnоvаtіоnѕ in оrdеr tо rаіѕе rents. Sometimes thаt’ѕ thе case, particularly іf a unіt hаѕn’t bееn uрgrаdеd ѕіnсе the 1970s. Mоrе often than nоt, hоwеvеr, a fеw ѕіmрlе and іnеxреnѕіvе uрgrаdеѕ саn add trеmеndоuѕ vаluе tо the property. Small changes can improve thе lооk…
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Got Hoarders? Here’s How To Handle Them

Sоmеtіmеѕ wе visit hоmеѕ оf thе реорlе wе саrе about and ѕее juѕt way tоо much stuff. It wоuld fееl so much nicer tо brіng a соmmеrсіаl-grаdе dumрѕtеr and сlеаn the place up. You might feel thе ѕаmе wау аbоut a rеѕіdеnt lіvіng at your property. Unfоrtunаtеlу, уоu can’t juѕt ѕhоw uр wіth a dumpster.…
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Lead Paint Disclosures – How To Inform Your Tenants If Lead Paint Was Used On The Property

If уоu’rе a landlord wіth a рrореrtу buіlt before 1978, іt’ѕ vеrу lіkеlу уоur apartment оr building соntаіnѕ lеаd-bаѕеd раіnt. If thаt’ѕ thе саѕе, уоu nееd tо рrоvіdе lеаd paint disclosure іnfоrmаtіоn tо аll оf уоur tеnаntѕ. A Brіеf Hіѕtоrу оf Lead Pаіnt You already рrоbаblу knоw thаt lead is an еlеmеnt especially hаzаrdоuѕ to…
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What to Do When A Tenant Leaves Their Things Behind at Your Portland Rental Property

During the years that you own Portland Rental Property, you may have at least one tenant who leaves some of their things behind after they move out. Sadly, this is something that does happen when you own rental properties, the big question though is how should you handle this situation? In this article, we will…
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Portland Rental Management - Portland Property Management

What To Look For In A Portland Oregon Rental Property

Planning on buying rental property in Portland Oregon for the first time? This is a smart decision to make because mortgage interest rates remain historically low while demand for rental properties remains high. In this article, we will provide you with several tips you can use for buying your first rental property What To Look…
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hillsboro property management

Hillsboro Property Management

Searching for Hillsboro Property Management? In today’s world, many people who work in Portland actually live in Hillsboro because they want to escape the hustle of city life and enjoy a quiet home in the suburbs. With our Portland Rental Management company, you can own rentals in Hillsboro and have confidence that they are being…
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Portland Oregon Property Management Tips – When Should You Change the Locks at Your Rental Property?

  Are you searching for Portland Oregon Property Management Tips? If so, you’ve come to the right place! In this article, we will share with you tips on when you should change the locks at your rental property. Tip #1 – Change the Locks When Renters Move Out It doesn’t matter if your tenant has…
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Portland Oregon Property Management Tips – How to Market Your Vacant Rental Property

Searching for Portland Property Management tips? If so, you’ve come to the right place! In this article, we will share with you several tips you can use for marketing your vacant rental property. Improve Your Visual Marketing Efforts Are the pictures and video of your rental property over one year old? If so, once your…
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Reasons Why Portland Oregon Property Management Makes Owning Rental Properties Easy

  Are you thinking about hiring a Portland Oregon property management company but don’t know if you should continue managing your property yourself or hire a property manager? Hiring a property manager is one of the best decisions that you can make because a property management company offers you a variety of advantages including the…
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Tenant Screening

Tenant Screening Is The Key To Success With Finding The Right Tenant For Your Portland Oregon Rental Property

Are you tried of renting to people who don’t pay their rent on time, destroy your property or cause problems for your other tenants? If so, tenant screening is the “key to success” when it comes to weeding out the individuals who could be problematic and connecting with those individuals who could be great tenants…
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Oregon Makes History by Enacting Nations First Statewide Rent Control Law

Rent control in Oregon just became a reality this week as Governor Kate Brown signed the nations first statewide rent control law that limits rent increases to 7% plus inflation. After signing the bill, the Governor indicated that this effort won’t be her last at taking steps to curb Oregon’s affordability crisis which it’s been…
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What’s Happening To Smaller Rental Units In The United States?

If you drive past the Downtown Portland skyline any day of the week there’s no denying that we have many more large multifamily rental properties in the PDX area than ever before but one thing that we’ve not seen a lot of recently in the Portland area are smaller multifamily properties. This trend is something…
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Portland Rental Management – 3 Tips for Making Your Tenants Feel at Home

Searching for Portland Rental Management tips? If so, you’ve come to the right place! One of the very best things that you can do for your tenants regardless if you’re just getting started with owning rental properties, or you’ve owned them for years, is to make each tenant feel welcome when they move into your…
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Portland Rental Management - Portland Property Management

What Should You Look for When Hiring a Portland Oregon Property Manager?

Do you own rental properties in the PDX area? If so, after managing those properties for yourself for a while, you most likely will start thinking about hiring a Portland Oregon Property Manager because, a manager will save you the time, money and hassle of managing those properties yourself. If you’ve never hired a property…
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Portland Rent Control

Oregon Rent Control Update – Learn More About What’s Happening

After California’s failure to pass Proposition 10, their rent control measure, it appears that the State of Oregon is close to passing it’s own rent control legislation that would protect tenants in Oregon from continued rent increases like what we’ve seen over the last five years.  What To Expect From Rent Control In Oregon Oregon…
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