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Tag: portland OR

Property Management and Tenant Placement

first time landlord

Essential Tips for First-Time Landlords in Portland, Oregon

Becoming a first time landlord in Portland, Oregon, can be a rewarding venture but comes with challenges and responsibilities. Whether renting out a single-family home or a multi-unit property, being well-prepared is crucial to your success. Here are some essential tips for first-time landlords in Portland. Before diving into the landlord business, it’s crucial to…
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first time landlord

Oregon Rent Increases To Be Capped At 10% For 2024

Thanks to recent reports, we know that Oregon Rent Increases will be capped at 10% for 2024. This is good news for tenants, considering that a 14.6% increase was allowed this year alone. In this article we will break down rent increases for next year and provide tenants with more information about what they can…
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rental property

Location Matters: How to Make the Right Choice for Your Rental Property

As a property investor, one of the most crucial decisions you will make is choosing the right location for your rental property. The location plays a significant role in determining the success and profitability of your investment. Whether you are a seasoned investor or a beginner, understanding the importance of location and considering several factors…
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rental property

Mastering the Art of Setting the Perfect Rental Rate for Your Rental Property

Setting the perfect rental rate for your rental property is a crucial aspect of being a successful landlord. It can make or break your investment property. If you set the rent too high, you may struggle to find tenants, resulting in longer vacancies and lost income. On the other hand, if you set the rent…
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rental properties

Unlocking the Secrets to a Profitable Investment Property: A Step-by-Step Guide

Owing a profitable investment property has always been an attractive option for those seeking financial stability and long-term wealth. The good news is that owning rental properties doesn’t have to be difficult, especially if you follow a proven plan that you can use for investing in investment properties. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore…
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high quality tenants

Unlocking the Secret to Attracting High Quality Tenants for Your Rental Property

As a landlord, one of the most vital aspects of managing your rental property is attracting high-quality tenants. These tenants not only pay their rent on time but also take care of the property and can potentially become long-term occupants. The benefits of having high-quality tenants are numerous, including reduced turnover rates, less property damage,…
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Rental Property Bathroom Renovation

Rental Property Bathroom Renovation: A Comprehensive Guide

As a landlord, it’s important to keep your rental property in a good condition to attract good tenants. One area that can easily become outdated and unappealing is the bathroom. A bathroom renovation can be a daunting task, but with proper planning and execution, it can significantly increase the value of your property. In this…
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Proven strategies that help landlords avoid evictions

Eviction is one of the one thing that every landlord wants to avoid but the sad thing is that in the 2020’s, more landlords are having to deal with evictions than ever before, especially since Covid-19 and the end of eviction protections in Oregon. Thankfully, despite the challenges in the rental market, eviction can be…
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real estate investing

The Role of Technology in Modern Real Estate Investing

Are you planning on investing in rental properties in Portland Oregon, or elsewhere in the United States? The good news is that technology has simplified modern real estate investing because it’s now easier than ever before to invest in rental properties thanks to the tools that every investor has access to. Yes, technology has revolutionized…
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rental properties

Investing in Rental Properties: Is it Still a Smart Choice?

Are you looking for a secure investment opportunity with a high return on investment? If so, you may want to consider investing in rental properties. Rental properties have been a popular investment choice for decades. But is it still a smart choice today? In this blog post, we’ll explore the benefits, risks, costs, and strategies…
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Landlord Tips: Rental Forms That Every Landlord Should Have on File

Are you planning on becoming a landlord by investing in your first rental property? If so, you’re not alone. Many investors are investing in their first rental properties as they transition out of stocks and other investments. One of the keys to success with being a landlord is having the right documents on file that…
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Responsibilities Of a Multifamily Landlord

Are you thinking about investing in multifamily rental properties in Portland Oregon? Multifamily continues to be a smart investment because it’s always in demand, and more people are renting than ever before. In this article, we will share with you several responsibilities of a multifamily landlord. #1 – Screen and Place Tenants The first responsibility…
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rental property updates

Green Rental Property Updates That Are Worth The Time And Money

Are you thinking about updating your rental property in 2022 but you’re not sure which updates are worth the time and money? In this article, we will share with you which green updates you should make to your rental property, that will increase the value of your property, while also helping your tenants to decrease…
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portland oregon property management company

How To Increase Your Portland Rental Income Without Raising Rent

There’s no denying that most landlords want to increase their Portland Rental Income but, that’s not always possible due to rent control. Thankfully, landlords can accomplish the goal of increasing the income earned from their PDX rental property when they follow these simple tips. Tip #1 – Reduce Costs One of the very best ways…
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Homes For Rent - Portland

Average Rent Portland Oregon – February 2022

Thanks to recent data from Rent Café, we know that the average rent for Portland Oregon is $1,667 per month for an apartment that offers 755 square feet of space. Rents in Portland closely mirror the rest of the country as they continue to climb due to a surging economy and more people going back…
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Should You Let Your Tenants Make Improvements To Your Rental Properties?

One of the best ways to keep tenants happy is to let them make improvements to your rentals because this helps tenants to personalize the rental property and make it their home. Before allowing your tenants to make changes to your rental property, it’s best to make sure that you consider the following tips. Tip…
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What’s attracting multifamily investors to Portland Oregon?

If you live outside of Portland, Oregon and have watched the news over the last 12 months, it would be easy to think that Portland is crumbling under the pressure of social unrest and the pandemic but the reality is exactly the opposite. Portland has thrived economically over the last 12 months, especially during the…
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Tips For Renting Your Portland Oregon House For The First Time

Are you planning on renting your Portland Oregon House for the first time because you recently purchased another home in the PDX area and would like to earn rental income? This is an excellent position to be in because you can continue to enjoy the benefits of owning real estate while also earning passive income…
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multifamily property management

What Are The Pros And Cons Of Investing In Multifamily In 2021?

Are you searching for more information on the pros and cons of investing in multifamily in 2021? If so, you’ve come to the right place. Multifamily properties are one of the best investments that any investor can have because they enable an investor to build wealth while establishing consistent passive income. If you’re ready to…
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What Should Portland Landlords Do When Tenants Leave Belongings Behind?

It doesn’t matter if you own rental properties in Portland Oregon for one year, or longer, you will have at least some tenants who leave belongings behind after they’ve moved or vacated your rental property. Even though you may be tempted to toss most of their belongings into a dumpster, or list them for free…
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Can Landlords Evict Right Now In Oregon?

The last 12 months have been the hardest for landlords in Oregon for one reason, landlords have not been able to evict tenants for non-payment of rent during the Coronavirus Pandemic. As we get closer to getting back to ‘normal’ after the pandemic, most landlords want to know if they can go back to the…
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Portland Oregon Is The 6th Best US City For Outdoor Recreation And Walkability

Are you planning on moving to Portland Oregon? Thanks to a recent study by Commercial Café, we know that Portland has been ranked at the 6th best city in the United States for outdoor recreation and walkability. Locals have known this secret about Portland for years since the PDX area has always been a great…
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rental property

Budget-Friendly Upgrades That You Can Make To Upgrade Your Portland Oregon Rental Property

Are you planning on updating your Portland Oregon Rental Property in 2021 but budget is an issue? Even though you may have made expensive renovations to your property in the past, the reality is that updating a rental property in 2021 doesn’t have to be expensive, especially if you follow these tips. Tip #1 –…
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portland oregon

Reasons Why You Don’t Want To Be A Landlord Of Multiple Rental Properties

Owning rental properties in Portland Oregon is one of the best ways to build wealth and to generate long-term cash flow but, one of the mistakes that many landlords make is attempting to manage multiple rental properties themselves. Most owners typically burn out after a couple of years of managing multiple rental properties, especially for…
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Portland Property Management

Rent Growth Increasing In Portland

The last 12 months have been some of the toughest ever for Portland landlords as rent growth has remained mostly stagnate mostly due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Thanks to recent statistics from, we know that rent growth is on the rise in the Portland area as rents here increased by 0.6% during February and…
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Portland Oregon Multifamily

What Portland Oregon Multifamily Properties Rent The Fastest?

Are you planning on investing in a Portland Oregon Multifamily Investment property but you’re also wondering which properties rent the fastest? With our decades of experience managing Portland Oregon rental properties, we’ve found the 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom multifamily properties always rent the fastest, across the board. Why Do Two Bedroom Multifamily Properties Rent The…
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Property Management Professionals Spotlight – Learn More About Vickie Haffner

At Rent Portland Homes Professionals, our Portland Oregon Property Management company is thriving, thanks to the hard work of all of our team members, including Vickie Haffner, our assistant portfolio manager. Vickie started with us last year before the beginning of the pandemic and has been an invaluable member of our team, working hard behind…
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Things To Consider Before Investing In Multifamily Properties

Are you planning on investing in multifamily properties for the first time? If so, you’re not alone! Multifamily properties are more in demand in Portland, and across the United States, than ever before because the typical apartment complex is usually located close to the big city, and renters like to have the convenience & flexibility…
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Should You Move To Lake Oswego Oregon?

Should You Move To Lake Oswego Oregon?

Located just 14 minutes from Portland is the town of Lake Oswego, Oregon. With a population of over 39,532, Lake Oswego is a convenient place to live because it’s close enough to the city that you can easily commute to work each day but the population makes it feel like a typical small town. About…
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property manager

What Is The Maximum Number Of Self-Manageable Rentals That You Can Handle?

Are you thinking about adding more rentals to your portfolio of investment properties? If so, one of the questions that you may be asking yourself is ‘what is the maximum number of rental properties that I can manage myself?” Sadly, this is a question that many investors ask themselves because, in the real estate investment…
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