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Tag: portland property manager

Property Management and Tenant Placement

commuter friendly city

Is Portland Oregon a Commuter Friendly City?

Portland, Oregon, is known for its vibrant culture, eco-friendly initiatives, stunning natural surroundings and being a commuter friendly city. It is often hailed as a progressive and livable city. But when it comes to commuting, how does Portland measure up? Is it truly a commuter-friendly city? Let’s delve into the various facets that make Portland…
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investing in Condominiums

A Beginner’s Guide to Investing in Condominiums: Understanding the Basics

If you’ve been considering investing in condominiums but have no idea where to begin, you’ve come to the right place. Investing in condominiums can be a great way to build wealth and create a steady stream of income, but it can also be overwhelming for the uninitiated. This beginner’s guide to investing in condominiums will…
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portland oregon property management

Discover the Benefits of A Portland Oregon Property Manager

Are you a property owner in Portland Oregon looking for a reliable property manager? Property managers can help you manage your rental properties and ensure that everything runs smoothly. In this blog post, we will discuss Portland Oregon Property Management including how to find the right company to manage your properties.  Portland Oregon Property Manager…
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Portland Ranks Among Top 10 Cities Nationwide for Outdoor Recreation

Thanks to a new report by Commercial Search, we know that Portland recently ranked among the top 10 cities nationwide for outdoor recreation. This is good news for the PDX area because it shows that people are still relocating to the Portland area despite the changes that the city has seen since Covid-19. Portland is…
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n-House Maintenance

Benefits Of Hiring A Property Manager With An In-House Maintenance Team

Are you searching for a property manager in Portland Oregon but you’re not sure if you should hire a company that offers an in-house maintenance team or not? In today’s world, there are a wide variety of property managers available online, but most owners don’t know that many property management companies don’t offer in-house maintenance.…
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rental property maintenance

Rental Property Maintenance Tips for The Fall

Searching for rental property maintenance tips? Even though we’re still enjoying warm days, fall is around the corner, and with the start of fall, it’s important for every landlord to take steps to get their rental properties ready for the winter months because rain and snow are on the way. If you haven’t made improvements…
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portland property manager

When Is It Time to Outsource to A Portland Property Manager?

At some point, every owner must ask the question if it’s time for them to outsource the management of their local rental properties to a Portland property manager. Some owners may come to this point sooner, rather than later but, every owner needs to take the time to analyze their rental property and ask themselves…
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How To Know When a Guest Has Become a Tenant

During the last two years, the rental market has changed, and many people who were previously housed no longer have a place to live, in some cases, this led the average tenant to invite a friend, family member or relative to live with them. Sadly, most landlords are typically unaware that their tenants have a…
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Portland Property Management Team

Five Things to Look for When choosing a Portland Property Management Team

Are you planning on hiring a Portland property management team to professionally manage your rental property? If so, you come to the right place! Hiring a property manager is smart because property managers have specialized experience that saves owners the time, money, and hassle of managing their rental properties themselves. In today’s world, it’s more…
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5 Ways Beaverton Oregon Rental Properties Make Money

Are you planning on investing in Beaverton Oregon Rental Properties? If so, you come to the right place. Rental properties continue to be an excellent hedge against inflation, especially in 2022 as the stock market has had its ups and downs. Most investors are eager to preserve the wealth that they have left, and investment…
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real estate investing

Understanding Passive Vs. Active Real Estate Investing

If you’re just getting started with real estate investing in Portland, you’re going to hear about passive vs. active real estate investing. Understanding these two forms of Oregon real estate investing is important because it can mean the difference between spending time and money managing your property or enjoying the income from your property without…
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Portland Oregon Property Management

Reasons To Hire A Portland Oregon Property Management Company In 2022

Are you thinking about hiring a Portland Oregon Property Management company but you don’t know if this is the right choice for you to make or not? If so, you’ve come to the right place! Hiring a property manager may be hard to do for new investors because many older investors encourage newbies to ‘save…
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What’s The Average Rent In Portland Oregon?

Are you planning on renting locally but you’re also wondering what is the average rent in Portland Oregon? If so, you’ve come to the right place! As of October 2021, the average rent in Portland OR for a 756 square foot apartment is $1,633 per month. Rent has remained steady in the PDX area over…
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Portland Real Estate Investor

Portland Real Estate Investing Tips – Can You Still Earn Passive Income If You Start Later In Life?

Are you thinking about getting started with Portland Real Estate Investing but you’re in your 50s, 60s, or 70s, and you’re wondering if it’s still possible to earn passive income even though you’re starting with real estate investing later in life? The good news is that it’s still possible to get started with real estate investing, regardless of…
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terms and conditions

Property Management Tips – What Are The Terms And Conditions Of your Rental Agreement?

Are you a Portland Landlord who has been frustrated with your rental properties recently? If so, one reason why you’ve been frustrated recently could be due to you not having the right terms and conditions in your lease agreement. Terms and conditions are the bedrock of every lease because of the simple fact that they…
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rental property

Property Management Tips – How To Avoid Renting To Tenants Who Trash Your Property

Owning rental properties in Portland Oregon is an excellent way to build wealth while generating cash flow every month but one of the worst things is renting to a tenant who ends up trashing the property. Bad tenants are out there, but the good news is that landlords can avoid renting to them by following…
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Portland Oregon Inherited Property – Here’s What To Do With It

Portland Oregon Inherited Property can either be a blessing for those people who have wanted to add rental properties to their investment portfolios, or a curse if a new owner isn’t ready for the property and doesn’t know what to do with it. Thankfully, inherited properties in Portland Oregon don’t have to be a pain…
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What Are The Top Traits To Look For In A Good Tenant?

Owning rental properties is an excellent way to build wealth while establishing monthly cash flow but the reality is that the first step that every landlord has to take is screening and placing tenants in their Portland Oregon rental properties. The big question is what are the top traits that a landlord should be looking…
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Essential Tech Tools Landlords Should Be Using In 2021

Owning rental properties is an excellent way to build positive cashflow on a monthly basis and thanks to the internet there are a wide variety of convenient tech tools that landlords can use to grow their businesses. In this article, we will break down some of the top tech tools landlords should be using in…
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Portland Rental Management - Portland Property Management

Tips For Reducing Single Family Vacancies In 2021

One of the worst things that a landlord has to deal with is single family vacancies because they mean one thing, a landlord will have to cover the mortgage payment for their property until they find their next tenant. Thankfully, reducing single-family vacancies is easier than you think, especially if you follow these tips. Tip…
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Single Family Home Management In Portland Oregon

Single Family Home Management In Portland Oregon

Do you need single-family home management in Portland Oregon? If so, contact the team at Rent Portland Homes today by calling us at (503) 447-7735 or connect with us online. We specialize in single-family home management for the PDX area and can save you the time, money, or hassle of managing your Portland rental property…
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property manager

Analysis Paralysis – Why Waiting To Hire A Property Manager Will Cost You More Than You Think

Are you thinking about hiring a property manager to manage your rental property? One of the most important things that you don’t want to do is get caught up in ‘analysis paralysis’, the problem of over-analyzing something and not taking action.  In this article, we will share with you several reasons why you should avoid…
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Multifamily Housing In Portland Remained Stable In June But Will It Continue?

Thanks to recent data from Yardi, we know that the April, May, and June leasing season was strong in Portland as tenants leased more 1,200 vacant rental units across the PDX area while metro occupancy decreased by 17 basis points between March and June. This is good news considering that most analysts had dire predictions…
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Tips For Cleaning Your Rental Property

Tips for Cleaning Your Rental Property Between Tenants

  Do you currently have a rental property in Portland, Oregon, that is sitting vacant? If so, the reality is that even though your property is sitting vacant, now is an excellent time for you to focus on improving the property by doing some deep cleaning. If you haven’t deep cleaned your rental property before,…
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Portland Oregon Property Manager

What Does a Portland Oregon Property Manager Do?

Are you planning on hiring a Portland Oregon property manager but you’re not sure if that’s the right decision for you to make or not? If so, you’ve come to the right place. In this article, we will share with you the job description of a property manager so that you know how beneficial it’s…
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What to Do When Your Tenant Backs Their Vehicle Through the Living Room of Your Rental Property

We’ve all seen the movies, TV shows and commercials of people accidentally back their vehicle through the living room, garage or swimming pool of their home. Even though these moments are funny, the big question is what would you do if one of your tenants really did this? How would you react? In this article,…
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Maximize Your Rental Income

Property Management Fee – Always Read the Fine Print of a Contract Before Hiring A Property Manager

Are you thinking about hiring a property management company in Portland Oregon? If so, make sure you take the time to read the “fine print” in their contract and verify their property management fees before choosing to hire them. Why is this important? The answer is simple. Every year more owners make the mistake of…
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2460 NW Crosswater Terrace - Beaverton Oregon 97006

Tips for Saving Money on Utility Costs on Multi-Family Properties

There’s no doubt that owning multi-family properties is an excellent investment because, with a duplex or apartment building, more doors equal more income. Although multifamily is a smart investment, the utility costs can be a “killer” if you’re paying those utilities yourself that’s why in this article, we will provide you with tips for saving…
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Rent Portland Homes

Tips for Getting Ready for Leasing Season

Leasing season is almost here, are you ready for it? In Portland, most owners typically have a heavy leasing season in the fall when college students go back to school and are looking for rental properties in the PDX area while leasing season starts in January for other owners. Regardless of when your leasing season…
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FREE Rental Analysis - Property Management Systems

What Services Does A Property Manager Offer?

Hiring a property management company is one of the very best investments that you can make because of the obvious fact that it saves you the time, money and hassle of having to manage your rental properties yourself. In this article, we will provide you with more information on what services a property manager offers…
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