Noisy Neighbors? How Do You Deal With Them When You’re Renting A Property In Oregon?

Got noisy neighbors at your rental property? You’re not alone! This is one thing that can easily happen when you’re renting a property in Oregon, or elsewhere in the United States, but the big question is how are you supposed to deal with those noisy neighbors?
In this article, we will answer this question and provide you with simple tips that you can use for dealing with noisy neighbors efficiently.
How To Deal With Noisy Neighbors
Let’s face it, nobody likes dealing with noisy neighbors but the reality is that the longer you rent a property, you’re going to deal with them eventually.
Thankfully, there is a process for dealing with noisy neighbors including the following:
- Be calm and easy going – This step is important because the last thing that you want to do when dealing with a noisy neighbor is to get angry and do (or say) something that you might regret later.
- Document the noisy times – Does your neighbor tend to get noisy at a set time of day, or night? If so, it’s best to document those noisy moments because you want to establish a pattern which shows that your neighbors have indeed been noisy on a regular basis.
- Compromise – If you your neighbor likes to play their drums on a daily basis, especially after you’ve come home from work, you may want to consider compromising and agreeing on a time that they will play their drums to each night. Doing this will show your neighbor that you’re not picking on them and are willing to accommodate their activity.
You can also try the free and professional mediation services that many communities offer. Mediation is a voluntary process where people with disputes come together, sit down with a mediator, and talk about ways to solve their dispute.
In Portland, the number for Resolutions Northwest, the local free service is 503-595-4890. (Call the Oregon Mediation Association for other referrals: (503) 872-9775) You can usually call the police to make a complaint about noise.
Portland’s Police Bureau focuses on responding to complaints between 10:00 pm and 7:00 am. The non-emergency number for the Portland Police is 503-823-4636. Check to see if your city or county has a noise ordinance. Ask if there is enforcement of the ordinance. In Portland, you can call Noise Control Hotline at 503-823-7350 and make a complaint about commercial/industrial noise, noise across property lines, or noise from televisions, stereos or other machinery that can be heard from outside the unit. If the noise is bothersome to other neighbors, have them call and complain as well.
Contact Rent Portland Homes – Professionals
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For professional property management help, contact the team of property management professionals at Rent Portland Homes – Professionals today by calling us at (503) 447-7735 or click here.