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Notice Of Entry Laws In Oregon – Learn More About When A Landlord Can And Cannot Enter A Property

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Notice Of Entry Laws In Oregon – Learn More About When A Landlord Can And Cannot Enter A Property


One of the most frustrating things that many tenants have to deal with is having a landlord who enters their property without scheduling a day or time to enter the property.

Thankfully, a tenant’s rights are protected in the State of Oregon, and Notice of Entry Laws in Oregon state that a landlord must provide their tenant with 24-hour notice (in writing) that they will be entering the property.

A 24-hour notice is necessary because a landlord has to respect their tenants’ rights even if they plan on making repairs, alternations, or improvements to the rental property.


Tenants Must Give Their Landlords A Reasonable Time To Enter

In cases where non-emergency maintenance or repairs is needed, a tenant must work with their landlord and give them a reasonable time to enter their property.

This means working with the landlord and offering them a time that they can enter the property that won’t interfere with their schedule or personal time.

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Can A Tenant Refuse Entry To Their Landlord?

In some instances, a tenant may want to deny entry to their landlord. When these situations occur, the tenant must notify the property owner in writing and leave a notice on the door of their rental unit.

Landlords and tenants should ideally work together because a landlord-tenant relationship is a delicate balance that should be in the best interests of both parties.

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When Can A Landlord Enter Without Notice?

Let’s say that an owner is notified of a maintenance emergency at their rental property, in these cases, landlords can enter the property without providing the tenant with 24-hour notice but they must notify the tenant within 24 hours that they entered the rental property.

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