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Property Management and Tenant Placement

corporate market research

Can you use corporate market research to find the right rental markets? Yes!

If you are new to real estate investing, one of the most common buzz words in real estate is the “Starbucks Effect”. This phrase has become well-known over the years as studies have shown that properties located near Starbucks locations often increase in value when compared to areas where a Starbucks hasn’t been placed yet.…
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portland oregon

Portland Oregon Among Best Cities For Career Development, Recent Study Shows

Planning on relocating to Portland Oregon? If so, you’ve making a smart choice! Thanks to a recent study, we know that the PDX area is among the best cities in the United States for career development. When you move to Portland, OR,  you can count on living in an area that’s the best incubator for…
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rental property problems

Navigating Rental Property Problems: Key Issues to Watch Out for When Investing

When considering rental property investments, it is crucial to have a comprehensive understanding of the potential rental property problems that may arise. By recognizing these challenges and being prepared to address them, investors can navigate through the complexities of the rental property market with confidence. One of the most common challenges that rental property investors…
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Tips for getting your rental property ready for 2024

As 2024 approaches, it’s essential to proactively prepare your rental property to meet the evolving needs and expectations of tenants. Conduct a comprehensive property inspection to identify any maintenance or upgrade needs. Enhancing the property’s curb appeal, modernizing interior features, and incorporating energy-efficient elements can significantly enhance its desirability and value. Consider incorporating smart home…
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rental property

Location Matters: How to Make the Right Choice for Your Rental Property

As a property investor, one of the most crucial decisions you will make is choosing the right location for your rental property. The location plays a significant role in determining the success and profitability of your investment. Whether you are a seasoned investor or a beginner, understanding the importance of location and considering several factors…
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rental property

Mastering the Art of Setting the Perfect Rental Rate for Your Rental Property

Setting the perfect rental rate for your rental property is a crucial aspect of being a successful landlord. It can make or break your investment property. If you set the rent too high, you may struggle to find tenants, resulting in longer vacancies and lost income. On the other hand, if you set the rent…
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portland property management

The Key Role of Service in Property Management: Why it Matters for Success

Property management plays a crucial role in the real estate industry, serving as the bridge between property owners and tenants. Whether it’s residential, commercial, or industrial properties, effective property management ensures the smooth operation, maintenance, and profitability of real estate assets. From screening tenants and collecting rent to resolving maintenance issues and enforcing lease agreements,…
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rental properties

Unveiling the Top 5 Reasons Why Renters Choose to Stay in a Rental Properties

Are you planning on investing in rental properties in Portland Oregon but you’re not sure if owning rental property is a smart, long term investment?  Unlike stocks, or other traditional investments, rental-properties continue to be in demand because of one simple reason, everyone needs a place to live and there’s no better position for an…
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rental properties

The Future of Residential Rental Properties: A Closer Look at the Market’s Viability

The commercial rental market has seen a steep decline since Covid-19 and the big question that investors want to know is are we going to see a decline in residential rental properties as well? This is an understandable question to ask because investors are nervous about having their residential rental properties sitting vacant in cities…
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cash for keys vs eviction

Cash for keys vs eviction – How does it work? What’s involved?

Cash for keys vs eviction is a unique program that offers an alternative solution to the often stressful and costly process of eviction. This innovative approach provides an opportunity for homeowners and landlords to avoid the time-consuming legal battles and potential damage to their property. By offering financial incentives to tenants, cash for keys aims…
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rental properties

The Ultimate Guide to Generating Passive Income: Strategies for Success with Rental Properties

Owning rental properties is certainly a great way to earn passive income and enjoy financial freedom. Imagine earning money while you sleep, without having to trade your time for a paycheck. One of the most effective ways to achieve passive income is through rental properties. In this ultimate guide, we will explore the strategies for…
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late rent notice

Late Rent Notice Explained: What You Need to Know to Ensure a Smooth Rental Experience

As a landlord, one of the most frustrating aspects of renting out a property is dealing with late rent payments. Late rent not only disrupts your cash flow but also creates tension and strain on your relationship with tenants. That’s where a late rent notice comes into play. In this article, we will delve into…
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Portland Ranks Among Top 20 Cities For Working Parents

Thinking about relocating to Portland Oregon? Thanks to a recent study, we know that Portland has been ranked as a top city for working parents in the United States. Yes, Portland is a great place to be if you’re a working parent because the PDX area makes it possible for parents to have a work-life…
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property manager

The Benefits of Hiring a Property Manager: Is it the Right Move for You?

As a property owner, managing your rental properties can be a time-consuming and overwhelming task. From finding tenants to handling maintenance and repairs, there are numerous responsibilities that come with being a landlord. However, hiring a property manager can alleviate the stress and streamline the process of managing your rental properties. The Role of a…
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Portland Property Manager

The Ultimate Guide to Hiring a Top-notch Portland Property Manager

Searching for tips on hiring an experienced Portland Property Manager? If so, you’ve come to the right place!  In this ultimate guide, we will explore the benefits of hiring a property manager in Portland, the responsibilities they undertake, and factors to consider when hiring one. Benefits of hiring a Portland property manager in Portland Hiring…
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rental property marketing

Stay Ahead of the Competition: Innovative Rental Property Marketing Strategies Revealed

Searching for rental property marketing tips? If so, you’ve come to the right place! As the rental property industry becomes increasingly competitive, it is crucial for property owners and managers to employ innovative marketing strategies to stay ahead of the game. In this article, we will explore the importance of these strategies and reveal effective…
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rental property vs stocks

Unveiling the Pros and Cons: Evaluating the Financial Potential of Rental Properties versus Stocks

Searching for information on rental property vs stocks? Investing is a crucial aspect of financial planning, and there are various options available in the market. Two popular investment options are rental properties and stocks. Rental properties involve purchasing properties with the intent of generating rental income, while stocks refer to buying shares of companies in…
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rental properties

Unlocking the Secrets to a Profitable Investment Property: A Step-by-Step Guide

Owing a profitable investment property has always been an attractive option for those seeking financial stability and long-term wealth. The good news is that owning rental properties doesn’t have to be difficult, especially if you follow a proven plan that you can use for investing in investment properties. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore…
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high quality tenants

Unlocking the Secret to Attracting High Quality Tenants for Your Rental Property

As a landlord, one of the most vital aspects of managing your rental property is attracting high-quality tenants. These tenants not only pay their rent on time but also take care of the property and can potentially become long-term occupants. The benefits of having high-quality tenants are numerous, including reduced turnover rates, less property damage,…
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Senate Bill 611

Understanding Senate Bill 611 And How It Affects Rental Market

The Portland rental market has seen significant changes with the implementation of Senate Bill 611 (SB 611). This bill, signed into law by Governor Tina Kotek on July 6, 2023, introduces key modifications to how the maximum allowable annual rent increases are determined for residential tenancies. In this article, we will delve into the important…
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Rental Property Bathroom Renovation

Rental Property Bathroom Renovation: A Comprehensive Guide

As a landlord, it’s important to keep your rental property in a good condition to attract good tenants. One area that can easily become outdated and unappealing is the bathroom. A bathroom renovation can be a daunting task, but with proper planning and execution, it can significantly increase the value of your property. In this…
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rental property kitchen renovation

Rental Property Kitchen Renovation – Is It Worth The Investment?

As a landlord, one of your top priorities is maximizing the value of your rental property and one of the best ways to do that is a rental property kitchen renovation. If you’re on the fence about renovating the kitchen in your rental property, this article will offer you tips on if you should renovate…
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tenant screening

Building Stronger Bonds: How to Boost Tenant Retention in Your Rental Property

As a property owner, one of your primary goals is to ensure that your rental property remains occupied and using tenant retention strategies can help you with this. In this article, we will share with you tenant retention tips that you can use to keep the most qualified tenants living in your PDX area rental…
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EV charging station

Fueling the Future: Why Adding an EV Charging Station to Your Rental Property is a Smart Investment

The future of transportation is electric, and the rise of electric vehicles (EVs) is undeniable. As more people make the switch from traditional gasoline-powered vehicles to EVs, the need for an efficient and accessible charging infrastructure becomes increasingly important. EVs offer numerous benefits, such as reduced greenhouse gas emissions and lower fuel costs, making them…
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The Must-Have Amenities to Attract and Retain Tenants in Your Rental Property

When it comes to rental properties, amenities play a crucial role in attracting and retaining tenants. In today’s competitive market, tenants are not just looking for a roof over their heads; they want a place that offers convenience, comfort, and a high quality of life. This is where amenities come into play. By providing desirable…
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rental property ROI

Rental Property ROI: How to Calculate and Boost Your Investment Returns

  As a rental property investor, one of the most important things you need to understand is your return on investment (ROI). This metric measures how much profit you’re making on your investment relative to the amount of money you’ve put in. Calculating ROI is crucial for evaluating the performance of your rental properties and…
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property management

The Future of Property Management: Exploring the Hottest Trends

As the world evolves, so does the property management industry. In recent years, we have witnessed significant changes in the way properties are managed, thanks to technology and innovation. The future of property management is an exciting topic that is gaining more attention every day. Property managers are always on the lookout for the latest…
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Proven strategies that help landlords avoid evictions

Eviction is one of the one thing that every landlord wants to avoid but the sad thing is that in the 2020’s, more landlords are having to deal with evictions than ever before, especially since Covid-19 and the end of eviction protections in Oregon. Thankfully, despite the challenges in the rental market, eviction can be…
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single family homes vs townhomes

Exploring Portland Oregon’s Most Desirable Neighborhoods: A Comprehensive Guide

Are you searching for more information on Portland neighborhoods? If so, you’ve come to the right place! Portland continued to be one of the most dynamic cities in the United States for movers since there’s plenty of fun things to see, do, great restaurants, breweries and more! In this article we will share with you…
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long term tenants

Retaining Long Term Tenants – Tips For Successful Long Term Rental Strategy

One of the keys to success with owning rental properties in Portland Oregon, or elsewhere nationwide is acquiring and retaining long term tenants. Having a long term tenant saves the owner time, money and the hassle of looking for a new tenant every 12 months and they are worth their weight in gold, especially in…
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