Tips For Refining The Tenants Move Out Process

If you’ve owned rental properties in Portland Oregon for a while now, you know that you’re going to have tenants moving in, and moving out every year.
The tenant moves out process can be one of the most time-consuming aspects of being a landlord simply because there are a lot of ‘moving parts’ to this process that have to be completed before you can get ready for your next tenant.
Thankfully, you can simplify the move out process by following these tips:
Tip #1 – Contact Your Tenants Early
Once your Oregon tenant is 120 days from renewing their lease, you should reach out and encourage them to renew their lease early.
Renewal reminders should also be sent to the tenant at 90 days, 60 days, and 30 days out just so they are aware that you’re expecting them to renew and are awaiting their decision.
Ideally, you should make the renewal process as easy as possible and offer some incentives because it never hurts to offer tenants extra incentives for renewing their leases early.
If the tenant hasn’t renewed their lease when they are 30 days out from renewal, you should call them and find out if they are planning on renewing their lease or planning on moving.
Tip #2 – Keep The Move Out Process Easy And Efficient
Once the tenant has established that they want to move, your next step should be to make the move-out process as easy and efficient as possible.
This means coordinating with the tenant to schedule an inspection date so that you can verify if anything needs to be repaired at the property and also collect the keys so that you can legally take possession of the property.
Tip #3 – Be Clear About When They Can Expect Their Security Deposit Returned
Last of all, but most important, another thing to do during the tenant move-out process is to be clear with the tenant about when they can expect their security deposit returned.
Every tenant wants to know when they can expect to get their security deposit back so you should be upfront with them about what needs to happen before they can get that back, just so you both are on the same page.
Contact Rent Portland Homes – Professionals
At Rent Portland Homes – Professionals, we specialize in local property management for single-family and multifamily properties in the PDX area.
To learn more about the services that we can offer you, contact us today by calling (503) 447-7735 or click here.