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Tag: property management in portland oregon

The Best Choice in Property Management

Relocating to Portland Oregon

Portland, Oregon’s Evolving Job Market: Trends and Opportunities in 2024

Portland, Oregon, renowned for its scenic landscapes, rich cultural heritage, and strong environmental values, has experienced significant changes in its job market over recent years. As the largest city in the state, Portland has historically been a hub for various industries such as technology, manufacturing, and healthcare. However, the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, shifts…
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Are property management fees tax deductible?

Searching for more information on whether property management fees are tax deductible? This is a common question that many owners ask at some point. In most cases, the answer is yes property management fees are tax deductible. Knowing that these significant expenses can be offset can bring a profound sense of relief. Still, there are…
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nightmare tenants

3 Things Realtors Do Wrong When They Manage Their Clients Properties Themselves

When realtors manage properties themselves, they often encounter unique challenges that can lead to missteps. Here are three common mistakes they make: Neglecting Proper Tenant Screening: One of the most critical aspects of property management is tenant screening. It’s a process that should always take time. Realtors often feel the pressure to fill vacancies quickly,…
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property management in portland oregon

The Insider’s Guide to Finding the Best Property Management Company in Portland

Are you a landlord looking for the best property management company in Portland? Finding the right company can be difficult, as there are numerous companies to choose from. But don’t worry, you don’t have to search high and low for the best property management company in Portland. With the insider’s guide to finding the best…
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What Are The Top Responsibilities That Landlords Have In 2021?

Are you planning on investing in a multi-family property in 2021? If so, purchasing that property is only the first step as a landlord because, if you plan on managing the property yourself, you’re going to have a wide variety of landlord responsibilities or “expectations” that you must fulfill in the eyes of your tenants,…
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self directed IRA

Self-Directed IRA Real Estate Rules

Are you planning on using your self-directed IRA for investing in real estate? If so, before purchasing your first property, you have to know the self-directed IRA real estate rules. Understanding how a self-directed IRA works is important because this IRA offers you a ton of advantages but, if you break the rules, it’s quite…
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multifamily property management

What Are The Pros And Cons Of Investing In Multifamily In 2021?

Are you searching for more information on the pros and cons of investing in multifamily in 2021? If so, you’ve come to the right place. Multifamily properties are one of the best investments that any investor can have because they enable an investor to build wealth while establishing consistent passive income. If you’re ready to…
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What a landlord cannot do in Oregon – Learn More Here

There’s no doubt that owning rental property is an excellent way to build wealth while establishing passive income but when it comes to being a owner landlord, there are a variety of things that an owner can and cannot do. In this article we will offer you some tips on what a landlord cannot do…
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Portland Oregon Inherited Property – Here’s What To Do With It

Portland Oregon Inherited Property can either be a blessing for those people who have wanted to add rental properties to their investment portfolios, or a curse if a new owner isn’t ready for the property and doesn’t know what to do with it. Thankfully, inherited properties in Portland Oregon don’t have to be a pain…
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Portland Rental Management - Portland Property Management

Tips For Reducing Single Family Vacancies In 2021

One of the worst things that a landlord has to deal with is single family vacancies because they mean one thing, a landlord will have to cover the mortgage payment for their property until they find their next tenant. Thankfully, reducing single-family vacancies is easier than you think, especially if you follow these tips. Tip…
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Georgie - Rent Portland Homes Professionals

Meet Georgie, Our Community Relations Manager

At Rent Portland Homes – Professionals, we’re proud to introduce Georgie, our new community relations manager. Besides being one of the most visible faces for our company in the PDX area, Georgie will also help tenants to know when our rental properties are pet friendly. Anytime we post a new property with Georgie’s picture, this…
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It’s Time to Turn Your Airbnb Into A Long-Term Rental Property

Has your Airbnb or short term Portland Oregon rental property been sitting vacant since the start of Coronavirus (COVID-19)? if so, you’re not alone! Even though short-term rental properties have been a consistent moneymaker across the United States for the last five years, since the onset of coronavirus across the United States, most investors who…
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Learn What We Charge

Easy Steps For Finding Qualified Tenants

Hаvіng multірlе ԛuаlіfіеd аррlісаntѕ vуіng fоr a rental unіt is great, but it can also be a trap fоr thе unwаrу. The Fair Housing Aсt mаkеѕ іt illegal tо rеfuѕе to rеnt based on аn applicant’s rасе, соlоr, nаtіоnаl оrіgіn, rеlіgіоn, ѕеx, family ѕtаtuѕ, оr dіѕаbіlіtу. In аddіtіоn, many ѕtаtеѕ have lаwѕ thаt іnсludе оthеr…
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Where Are the Best Towns Close to Portland Oregon?

There’s no doubt that Portland is a great place to work but in 2019 many people don’t want to live in the big city or they cannot afford to live there. Thanks to a recent study by Commercial Café we know that the good news is that there are a variety of great cities that…
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When Should You Start Thinking About Taxes?

When Should You Start Thinking About Taxes? It’s Never Too Early

Do you own rental properties in the Portland Oregon area? If so, one of the most important things that you should never do is wait until the end of the year to start thinking about taxes because taxes can be a huge burden that many landlords are unprepared to take care of when tax season…
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What’s Happening To Smaller Rental Units In The United States?

If you drive past the Downtown Portland skyline any day of the week there’s no denying that we have many more large multifamily rental properties in the PDX area than ever before but one thing that we’ve not seen a lot of recently in the Portland area are smaller multifamily properties. This trend is something…
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