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Portland Named One of The Top 20 Family-Friendly Cities in the United States

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Portland Named One of The Top 20 Family-Friendly Cities in the United States


Are you planning on relocating to Portland Oregon, if so, you’re in the right place!

Portland was recently named one of the top 20 family-friendly cities in the United States.

This is good news for Portland because Oregon continues to be one of the top relocation states, and Portland has never stopped being a popular place to live regardless of if you’re a musician, artist, writer, or parent who is looking for a great place for their children to live.

A Great Destination for Outdoor Life and More

Featuring amazing parks and trails to explore, Portland is an ideal relocation destination for many because the city comes first for community garden plots — with 4.5 of them per 1,000 residents — and it gets 10th place for air quality.

Local public education also stands out, with Portland boasting the 9th-best public schools on our list. More than half of the adults here have a college degree, with about 20% more having bachelor’s degrees than the national average. Home prices ($582K) might be higher than average, but so is the typical Portland family paycheck that exceeds six figures ($105K/year).

Besides outdoor recreation, children and parents can also take part in local cultural events, be they theatre performances or sports. Portland has several professional sports teams including in soccer, baseball, and basketball — let’s go, Blazers! And what better way to top off a day of sporting events than to go out for a bite to eat. Portland still lives up to its reputation as the best food city in America — you can find every cuisine here, whether you go for street eats or a classic restaurant. In fact, there are about 3.3 restaurants/1,000 locals in Portland, the fifth-largest distribution of dining spots as a proportion of the population.


Tips For Finding a Great Rental Property in Portland

When it comes to real estate, not all properties are created equal. When you’re looking for a rental property, you might find that some are simply more appealing than others. Finding the right rental property can be a challenge, however, if you know what to look for and where to look, it can become much easier. To help you get started on your search for the ideal rental property, we’ve put together some great tips to help you along the way.

Ask Around

When you’re first starting out on your hunt for an ideal rental property, one of the best places to start is by asking around. If you know anyone who already owns a rental property, it’s a good idea to ask them what they like and dislike about their current situation. If you don’t know anyone who owns rental properties, don’t worry! You can also ask people who work in the real estate or rental property industries. You can find rental property management companies near you by doing a simple Google search, or you can ask your bank or credit union where they recommend you go. If you don’t know where to start, don’t worry! There are lots of people out there who can give you some great advice and help you find a rental property that’s right for you.

Know What You Want 

When you first start looking for rental properties, it can be helpful to have a general idea of what you’re looking for in a property. Having an idea of what you want before you start browsing helps keep your search focused and helps you find the best possible rental property for your needs. When you know what you’re looking for, you can easily rule out properties that don’t fit your needs and find the properties that do. If you don’t know what you’re looking for, you may end up spending a lot of time looking at properties that simply aren’t right for you, and you may miss out on some great properties as well.

Don’t Be Afraid to Negotiate

If you see a rental property that you really like but the asking price is a bit too high for your needs, don’t be afraid to negotiate with the landlord. Landlords want to find a tenant just as badly as you want to find a place to live, so don’t be afraid to negotiate down the asking price a bit if the price is too high for your needs. Landlords want long-term tenants, and that’s what you want too! If you negotiate down the asking price of a rental property, you may be more likely to get the property. Be sure to have a reason for negotiating the price down, though. You don’t want to simply ask for a lower price for no reason!

Stay Aware of Renovation Costs

If you’re looking at older properties, be aware that some renovations may be necessary. Don’t let this scare you away, though! Many renovations can simply be done by the owner, and many renovations can be done inexpensively. If you’re looking at an older property, try to have the owner do any renovations that are necessary and/or try to negotiate a lower price because of any renovation costs. Renovations can be expensive, especially if they need to be done by professionals. Make sure that any renovations that are necessary for the property are completed before you move in and make sure that the cost of the renovations is factored into the price.

Inspect the Property Thoroughly

Before you sign a lease for a rental property, you want to make sure that you’ve thoroughly inspected the property to make sure that it’s livable. You don’t want to discover major problems with the property after you sign your lease and have no way to get out of the lease. To avoid this, make sure that you thoroughly inspect the property before you sign any lease, even if the property seems to be in good condition. You can hire a professional inspector to help you fully inspect the property and look for any potential problems. This is often a good idea if the property is old or if you are renting from a private owner.

Average Rent in Portland Oregon - October - 2022

Check Out the Neighborhood

Before you sign the lease on a rental property, you also want to make sure that the neighborhood is right for you. Different neighborhoods have different reputations, and some may be better or worse than others. Check out the neighborhood for things such as the average crime rate, nearby businesses, average incomes of nearby residents, and other factors that may be important to you. Remember, however, that one neighborhood may be great for you but may not be great for someone else. The neighborhood that’s perfect for you may be horrible for someone else! Make sure you do plenty of research and that you’re 100% sure that the neighborhood is right for you before you sign a lease for a property in that neighborhood.

Final Words

When you’re first starting out on the hunt for a great rental property, it can be easy to become overwhelmed. With so many properties out there and so many factors to consider, it can be difficult to know where to start. The best thing you can do is to ask for advice, do your research, and don’t be afraid to negotiate! When you’re armed with the best possible information, it will be much easier to find an ideal rental property that you’ll be happy with for years to come!

Contact Rent Portland Homes – Professionals

At Rent Portland Homes we specialize in property management for Portland and surrounding areas.

To learn more about the available properties that we have for rent, or to speak with us about our property management services, contact us today by calling (503) 791-4610 or click here.

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