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Tenant Screening101 – Learn the Secrets for Easy and Professional Tenant Screening

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Tenant Screening101 – Learn the Secrets for Easy and Professional Tenant Screening

Tips for turning around a problem rental

As we’ve mentioned in previous articles, tenant screening is the “key to success” when it comes to owning rental properties because when you take the time to screen tenant’s you’re going to save yourself the hassle of potentially renting to the wrong people.

If you’re just getting started with owning rental properties, or need a tenant screening “refresher course”, this article will provide you with tenant screening tips that you should know.

Tip #1 – Make the prospective tenant fill out a rental application

This tip is vital because you want a complete picture of your prospective tenant’s past and what they are currently doing now just so you know what to expect if you plan on renting to them.

Tip #2 – Follow the Fair Housing Act (FHA)

Following the Fair Housing Act is vital because the minute you “veer off course” and begin to show any signs of discrimination it’s possible that you could get sued.

Tip #3 – Get proof of identity

You always want proof of identity including current drivers license, social security card, bank statements and income statements or paycheck stubs that show proof of income.

Tip #4 – Perform a background check

Don’t neglect the background check! You should always take the time to look into a prospective tenant’s background and learn more about their history before you choose to rent to them.

Tip #5 – Get the name of the previous landlord

If you choose to contact a prospective tenant’s previous landlord you should verify that the person, you’re speaking with is actually their previous landlord and not a friend who is stepping in to pose as a landlord.

You can verify landlord information by doing a reverse lookup of their previous landlord’s phone number online and even cross-check the phone number with an address to make sure everything matches up.

Contact Rent Portland Homes – Professionals

To learn more tenant screening tips, or to speak with us about our property management services, contact Rent Portland Homes Professionals today by calling us at (503) 477-7735 or click here to connect with us online.