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How To Have An Efficient Tenant Screening Process

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How To Have An Efficient Tenant Screening Process


Tenant screening is an essential part of owning rental properties because this means that the landlord is one step closer to filling a vacancy.

Even though tenant screening is important, the reality is that many landlords have a difficult time with it, and this can lead to problems in their businesses, especially if they don’t have systems in place for tenant screening.

Thankfully, tenant screening doesn’t have to be a headache for landlords and they can have an efficient process if they follow these tips.

Ask The Right Questions

Tenant screening can be more efficient for both the landlord and tenant if the landlord asks the right questions including:

  • Do they have pets? This is an important question to ask because failing to address it upfront may lead some tenants to think that pets are okay and they may bring their dog or cat with them.
  • How long are they going to stay? Asking this question is essential because some tenants may have to move because of their jobs, while others will want to stay for the long term.
  • Do they smoke? Let’s face it, every landlord knows how difficult getting rid of cigarette smoke in a rental property can be so it’s best to turn down smokers because even though they say they will smoke outside, 2nd hand smoke can easily find its way into everything in the property.
  • How many people will be living on the property? Ideally, only 3-5 people should be living in a 3-bedroom home but in this day and age, it’s best to clarify how many people plan on living in the property because the tenant could intend to invite their entire family to live there.

Post Detailed Listings

Another essential way to attract the most qualified tenants is to post detailed rental listings because the features and amenities that the property offers will attract tenants who are looking for those exact things in a rental property.

Don’t Skip References

On the other hand, you may come across an applicant with a low credit score, but excellent references from their landlords. That’s why it’s so important not to skip references. They can tell you a lot more about an applicant than simple numbers on a page.

If you live in a college town, you know how important references are. Students with a short credit history may very well be good tenants. You wouldn’t know it, however, unless you looked at their references.

Right now, it may save you time to screen one applicant per unit or only the ones you have doubts about, or to skip references. But a tenant screening software solution can pull all the data you need on each applicant almost immediately, making the process much faster and more efficient. There are no more excuses for screening only one!


Contact Rent Portland Homes – Professionals

At Rent Portland Homes – Professionals, we use the most up-to-date tools for tenant screening and this allows us to stay compliant with Fair Housing Laws while choosing the most qualified tenants for our client’s properties.

If you need property management for your rental, contact us today by calling (503) 447-7735 or click here to connect with us online.